Source code for

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pathlib import Path as P
from molmass import Formula, FormulaError
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, peak_widths

from .filelock import FileLock
from .matplotlib_tools import plot_peaks

[docs] def log2p1(x): return np.log2(x+1)
[docs] def lock(fn): """ File lock to ensure safe writing to file. :param fn: Filename to lock. :type fn: str or PosixPath :return: File lock object. :rtype: FileLock """ return FileLock(f"{fn}.lock", timeout=1)
[docs] def formula_to_mass(formulas, ms_mode=None): """ Calculate mz-mean vallue from formulas for specific ionization mode. :param formulas: List of molecular formulas e.g. ['H2O'] :type formulas: list[str] :param ms_mode: Ionization mode, defaults to None :type ms_mode: str, optional :return: List of calculated masses :rtype: list """ masses = [] assert ms_mode in [None, "negative", "positive", "neutral"], ms_mode if isinstance(formulas, str): formulas = [formulas] for formula in formulas: try: mass = Formula(formula).isotope.mass except FormulaError as e: masses.append(None) logging.waringin(e) if ms_mode == "positive": mass += M_PROTON elif ms_mode == "negative": mass -= M_PROTON mass = np.round(mass, 4) masses.append(mass) return masses
[docs] def gaussian(x, mu, sig): """ Simple gaussian function generator. :param x: x-values to generate function values :type x: np.array :param mu: Mean of gaussian :type mu: float :param sig: Sigma of gaussian :type sig: float :return: f(x) :rtype: np.array """ x = np.array(x) return np.exp(-np.power(x - mu, 2.0) / (2 * np.power(sig, 2.0)))
[docs] def scale_dataframe(df, scaler="standard", **kwargs): """ Scale all columns in a dense dataframe. :param df: Dataframe to scale :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param scaler: Scaler to use ['robust', 'standard'], defaults to "standard" :type scaler: str, optional :return: Scaled dataframe :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ df = df.copy() if scaler == "standard": scaler = StandardScaler(**kwargs) elif scaler == "robust": scaler = RobustScaler(**kwargs) elif scaler == "minmax": scaler = MinMaxScaler(**kwargs) df.loc[:, :] = scaler.fit_transform(df) return df
[docs] def df_diff(df1, df2, which="both"): """ Difference between two dataframes. :param df1: Reference dataframe :type df1: pandas.DataFrame :param df2: Dataframe to compare :type df2: pandas.DataFrame :param which: Direction in which to compare, defaults to "both" :type which: str, optional :return: DataFrame that contains unique rows. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ _df = df1.merge(df2, indicator=True, how="outer") diff_df = _df[_df["_merge"] != which] return diff_df.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def is_ms_file(fn): """ Check if file is a MS-file based on filename. :param fn: Filename :type fn: str or PosixPath :return: Whether or not the file is recognized as MS-file :rtype: bool """ fn = str(fn) if ( (fn.lower().endswith(".mzxml")) or (fn.lower().endswith(".mzml")) or (fn.lower().endswith(".mzmlb")) or (fn.lower().endswith(".mzhdf")) or (fn.lower().endswith(".raw")) or (fn.lower().endswith(".parquet")) or (fn.lower().endswith(".feather")) ): return True else: return False
[docs] def get_ms_files_from_results(results): """ Extract MS-filenames from Mint results. :param results: DataFrame in Mint fesults format :type results: pandas.DataFrame :return: List of filenames :rtype: list """ # Old schema if 'ms_path' in results.columns: ms_files = results[["ms_path", "ms_file"]].drop_duplicates() ms_files = [P(ms_path) / ms_file for ms_path, ms_file in ms_files.values] else: ms_files = results.ms_file.unique() return ms_files
[docs] def get_targets_from_results(results): """Extract targets dataframe from ms-mint results table. :param results: Mint results table :type results: pandas.DataFrame :return: Mint targets table :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return results[ [col for col in TARGETS_COLUMNS if col in results.columns] ].drop_duplicates()
[docs] def find_peaks_in_timeseries(series, prominence=None, plot=False, rel_height=0.9, **kwargs): """_summary_ :param series: _description_ :type series: _type_ :param prominence: _description_, defaults to None :type prominence: _type_, optional :param plot: _description_, defaults to False :type plot: bool, optional :return: _description_ :rtype: _type_ """ t = series.index x = series.values peak_ndxs, _ = find_peaks(x, prominence=prominence, rel_height=rel_height, **kwargs) widths, heights, left_ips, right_ips = peak_widths( x, peak_ndxs, rel_height=rel_height ) times = series.iloc[peak_ndxs].index t_start = _map_ndxs_to_time(left_ips, min(t), max(t), 0, len(t)) t_end = _map_ndxs_to_time(right_ips, min(t), max(t), 0, len(t)) data = dict( ndxs=peak_ndxs, rt=times, rt_span=widths, peak_base_height=heights, peak_height=series.iloc[peak_ndxs].values, rt_min=t_start, rt_max=t_end, ) peaks = pd.DataFrame(data) if plot: plot_peaks(series, peaks) return peaks
def _map_ndxs_to_time(x, t_min, t_max, x_min, x_max): assert t_min < t_max assert x_min < x_max t_span = t_max - t_min x_span = x_max - x_min m = t_span / x_span b = t_min x = np.array(x) result = (m * x + b).flatten() return result
[docs] def mz_mean_width_to_min_max(mz_mean, mz_width): delta_mass = mz_width * mz_mean * 1e-6 mz_min = mz_mean - delta_mass mz_max = mz_mean + delta_mass return mz_min, mz_max
[docs] def init_metadata(): cols = MINT_METADATA_COLUMNS return pd.DataFrame(columns=cols).set_index('ms_file_label')
[docs] def fn_to_label(fn): return P(fn).with_suffix('').name