"""Everything related to target lists."""
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
from pathlib import Path as P
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from .Chromatogram import Chromatogram
from .processing import get_chromatogram_from_ms_file, extract_chromatogram_from_ms1
from .io import ms_file_to_df
from .tools import formula_to_mass, df_diff
def read_targets(fns, ms_mode="negative"):
Extracts peak data from csv files that contain peak definitions.
:param fns: List of filenames of target lists.
:param ms_mode: "negative" or "positive"
if isinstance(fns, str):
fns = [fns]
targets = []
for fn in fns:
fn = str(fn)
if fn.endswith(".csv"):
df = pd.read_csv(fn)
elif fn.endswith(".xlsx"):
df = pd.read_excel(fn)
df = standardize_targets(df)
df["target_filename"] = P(fn).name
targets = pd.concat(targets)
return targets
def standardize_targets(targets, ms_mode="neutral"):
Standardize target list.
- updates the target lists to newest format
- ensures peak labels are strings
- replaces np.nan with None
:param targets: DataFrame in target-list format.
:type targets: pandas.DataFrame
:param ms_mode: Ionization mode, defaults to "neutral"
:type ms_mode: str, optional
:return: DataFrame in formated target-list format
:rtype: pandas.DataFrame
targets = targets.rename(columns=DEPRECATED_LABELS)
if targets.index.name == "peak_label":
targets = targets.reset_index()
assert pd.value_counts(targets.columns).max() == 1, pd.value_counts(targets.columns)
cols = targets.columns
if "formula" in targets.columns and not "mz_mean" in targets.columns:
targets["mz_mean"] = formula_to_mass(targets["formula"], ms_mode)
if "intensity_threshold" not in cols:
targets["intensity_threshold"] = 0
if "mz_width" not in cols:
targets["mz_width"] = 10
if "target_filename" not in cols:
targets["target_filename"] = "unknown"
if "rt_unit" not in targets.columns:
targets["rt_unit"] = "min"
# Standardize time units use SI abbreviations
targets["rt_unit"] = targets["rt_unit"].replace("m", "min")
targets["rt_unit"] = targets["rt_unit"].replace("minute", "min")
targets["rt_unit"] = targets["rt_unit"].replace("minutes", "min")
targets["rt_unit"] = targets["rt_unit"].replace("sec", "s")
targets["rt_unit"] = targets["rt_unit"].replace("second", "s")
targets["rt_unit"] = targets["rt_unit"].replace("seconds", "s")
for c in ["rt", "rt_min", "rt_max"]:
if c not in cols:
targets[c] = None
targets[c] = targets[c].astype(float)
del c
if "peak_label" not in cols:
logging.warning(f'"peak_label" not in cols, assigning new labels:\n{targets}')
targets["peak_label"] = [f"C_{i}" for i in range(len(targets))]
targets["intensity_threshold"] = targets["intensity_threshold"].fillna(0)
targets["peak_label"] = targets["peak_label"].astype(str)
targets.index = range(len(targets))
targets = targets[targets.mz_mean.notna()]
targets = targets.replace(np.nan, None)
return targets[TARGETS_COLUMNS]
def convert_to_seconds(targets):
Convert time units to seconds.
:param targets: Mint target list to modify.
:type targets: pandas.DataFrame
for ndx, row in targets.iterrows():
if row.rt_unit == "min":
targets.loc[ndx, "rt_unit"] = "s"
if targets.loc[ndx, "rt"]:
targets.loc[ndx, "rt"] *= 60.0
if targets.loc[ndx, "rt_min"]:
targets.loc[ndx, "rt_min"] *= 60.0
if targets.loc[ndx, "rt_max"]:
targets.loc[ndx, "rt_max"] *= 60.0
def fill_missing_rt_values(targets):
If rt values are missing fill with mean of rt_min, rt_max.
:param targets: Mint target list to modify.
:type targets: pandas.DataFrame
for ndx, row in targets.iterrows():
if (
(row.rt is None)
and (row.rt_min is not None)
and (not row.rt_max is not None)
targets.loc[ndx, "rt"] = np.mean(row.rt_min, row.rt_max)
def check_targets(targets):
Check if targets are formated well.
:param targets: Target list
:type targets: pandas.DataFrame
:return: Returns True if all checks pass, else False
:rtype: bool
results = (
isinstance(targets, pd.DataFrame),
result = all(results)
if not result:
return all(results)
def _check_labels_are_strings_(targets):
if not targets.dtypes["peak_label"] == np.dtype("O"):
logging.warning("Target labels are not strings.")
return False
return True
def _check_duplicated_labels_(targets):
max_target_label_count = targets.peak_label.value_counts().max()
if max_target_label_count > 1:
logging.warning("Target labels are not unique")
return False
return True
def _check_target_list_columns_(targets):
if targets.columns.to_list() != TARGETS_COLUMNS:
logging.warning("Target columns are wrong.")
return False
return True
def gen_target_grid(masses, dt, rt_max=10, mz_ppm=10, intensity_threshold=0):
Creates a targets from a list of masses.
:param masses: Target m/z values.
:param dt: Size of peak windows in time dimension [min]
:param rt_max: Maximum time
:param mz_ppm: Width of peak window in m/z dimension [ppm].
rt_cuts = np.arange(0, rt_max + dt, dt)
targets = pd.DataFrame(index=rt_cuts, columns=masses).unstack().reset_index()
del targets[0]
targets.columns = ["mz_mean", "rt_min"]
targets["rt_max"] = targets.rt_min + (1 * dt)
targets["peak_label"] = (
+ "__"
+ targets.rt_min.apply("{:2.2f}".format)
targets["mz_width"] = mz_ppm
targets["intensity_threshold"] = intensity_threshold
targets["targets_name"] = "gen_target_grid"
return targets
def diff_targets(old_pklist, new_pklist):
Get the difference between two target lists.
:param old_pklist: Old target list
:type old_pklist: pandas.DataFrame
:param new_pklist: New target list
:type new_pklist: pandas.DataFrame
:return: Target list with new/changed targets
:rtype: pandas.DataFrame
df = df_diff(old_pklist, new_pklist)
df = df[df["_merge"] == "right_only"]
return df.drop("_merge", axis=1)