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Installation notes

Windows Installer

For Windows 10/11 a build is provided here. The installer generates an icon in the windows start menu. There will be a terminal be shown, with potentially some errors due to missing files which can be ignored. Give it some time until the server is running and then navigate to http://localhost:9999 in the browser.

Installation with pip

The latest release of the program can easily be installed in a standard Python 3 (>= 3.7) environment using the widely used package manager pip:

pip install ms-mint-app

Should download and install all necessary dependencies and Mint. Start the app via:



MINT is now available on DockerHub in containerized format. A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies, so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. In contrast to a virtual machine (VM), a Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings. This allows to run MINT on any computer that can run Docker.

The following command can be used to pull the latest image from docker hub.

docker pull msmint/msmint:latest

The image can be started with:

docker run -p 9999:9999 -v /data/:/data/  msmint/msmint:latest Mint --data-dir /data --no-browser --host

Then the tool is available in the browser at http://localhost:9999.

Installation from source

We recommend using conda or mamba to create a virtual environment before installing ms-mint-app.

# Create conda environment
mamba create -n ms-mint pip
mamba activate ms-mint

# Get the code
git clone
cd ms-mint-app

# Install the package normally
pip install .

# Or, install the package in development mode
pip install -e .


After installation Mint can be started by running Mint.

Mint --help
usage: Mint [-h] [--no-browser] [--version] [--data-dir DATA_DIR] [--debug] [--port PORT] [--serve-path SERVE_PATH]

MINT frontend.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-browser          do not start the browser
  --version             print current version
  --data-dir            target directory for MINT data
  --debug               start MINT server in debug mode
  --port                change the port
  --serve-path          serve app at a different path e.g. '/mint/' to serve the app at 'localhost:9999/mint/'

If the browser does not open automatically open it manually and navigate to http://localhost:9999. The app's frontend is build using Plotly-Dash and runs locally in a browser. Thought, the Python functions provided can be imported and used in any Python project independently. The GUI is under active development and may be optimized in the future.